There are many ways to access books online while the libraries are closed. Here are some links:
- Overdrive App: This is the app that allows you to take out ebooks and audio books from many public libraries, including the Toronto library. You must already have an active library card.
- Raz-kids: This website has levelled books so children can continue to improve their reading level.
- TDSB Virtual Library including Bookflix: This page has many resources, including Bookflix – Netflix for books! Be sure to follow the directions on the page for using the login and passwords.
- Epic : Epic is similar to Bookflix and is free if your child’s teacher has a classroom account – which many do and which many can do if you ask them. For TDSB, email your child’s teacher at
- TDSB Learning Resources including Capstone: Not only books but also resources for other subjects.
- Pearson Audible Books: Kids can listen to audio books for free!

Is there a free account TDSB has with raz kids?
At the time this was written, Raz-Kids was offering their services free of charge due to the Pandemic.