If there is an issue with your child or the school and you have not been able to get it resolved with the teacher and the principal, the next step is to go up the ladder and contact the superintendent for the area.
If there is still an issue that is unresolved after speaking with the superintendent, you can also contact your local school trustee. They are the next step in the process and may be able to help and support you.
Your final option is to contact the Ontario Ombudsman. There is a form to fill out that can be found here: Contact Ontario Ombudsman. Be aware that it will take time to hear back from the Ombudsman.
Sometimes people contact the Ministry of Education or their MPP when they have not found help in other places. In extreme circumstances, people contact the police and/or the media. These are also options.
In my experience, it is rare for the superintendent, school trustee or anyone else to overturn the principal’s decision, although it does happen. For that reason, I highly recommend doing all you can to resolve the issue with the teacher first and then the principal. If you have contacted all of these people and there is still a serious issue at the school or with your child, you may want to consider moving your child to another school. Unfortunately, this is sometimes the best option of all.