Some of my grade 5 students in our virtual school are graduating because their home school only goes to grade 5. Some are not because their home school goes to grade 8. Some would be graduating, but their home school is not doing a graduation. Therefore, I will be having an online graduation for all of my grade 5 students. Here is what we are doing:
- Inviting family and friends to join the graduation ceremony on the last day of school, during school hours.
- Asking parents to send a baby picture to share in a slide show.
- Sharing the slide show with one slide for every student where the other students and I write what we like about that student.
- Each student’s name will be called out, they will stand up and I will congratulate them and they will receive a certificate (I may give them to parents beforehand or I may have them online and they can print it out if they want).
- I will be congratulating all of the students, and parents for making it through this year of online school (my class has been online all year – since September).