While classroom teachers receive training and professional development through the schools and school boards, substitute teachers are often left to manage their own professional development. As a life l long learner, it is important to grow in our profession and to keep up with the changes in education. Here are a few suggestions about how to do that:
- Your union will often have courses that you can take for free, which sometimes come with free books and resources and if in person, a free meal!
- If you regularly teach at one school, you can ask the principal if you would be able to join their PD sessions – they are often very open to this and are glad to help out.
- The school board sometimes has training sessions that you can join, although sometimes it means missing a day of pay. Some courses are recorded, so you can watch them anytime.
- There is a lot of free training offered online. Check out Youtube, Twitter or your favourite author’s website. See my training videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOE-aWbBYD7myguJpODbrbw
- Libraries. There are many excellent books you can read every year that are available at the public library, the board library and the union library.