Every week, students have to write one sentence for each spelling word. Here are some of my favourite spelling sentences by my students from this year:
The police said on the news that the facts are very influential for solving the problem.
I do not like mustard because it tastes very bad on my taste buds.
When we say touch our lips separate and when we say separate our lips touch.
A skunk uses their tail to stink off predators.
My cousin got in jail because he did something bad and got called guilty.
Ritualistic – it’s like having pizza every Friday.
I get told not to climb the shelves a lot. In my life, I went to the hospital 5 times. The cookies on the top of the shelf look delicious. (These sentences were by the same student, in the same week, for different words.)
Aliens call a person a human because they don’t know his name.
I put my toys on the shelf so they won’t fall off of it again, like 2 weeks ago and yesterday.
A cathedral is a kind of cat.