Whether you are teaching full time or you are just there for one day – it is always good to get to know your students. This year, especially, it is important to take time to build relationship with our students as it has been a difficult year. Here are some Get-To-Know-You activities.
- Tell the students a funny story about yourself. They love this and it breaks the ice a bit. I tell the story of doing a pop-wheely on a moped by mistake and slowly sliding off the back of it because I couldn’t get the front wheel down … while all the guys at the gas station watched, yelling to see if I was ok…
- Play “Never Have I Ever”, student style. There are many ways to play this game, and this is one way. Say, “Never Have I Ever …” and list one thing you have never done, for example, I have never played Fortnite. Everyone who has played Fortnite has to raise one finger. Then, have students taking turns saying one thing they have never done. The goal is to have the least fingers raised at the end of the game.
- Play “Find Others Who” game. In this game, you ask students to find other students who have similar things to them. The goal is to make the biggest group possible. For example, can say, “Find others who have the same number of siblings as you”, or “Find others who have the same favourite food as you”. When they have formed a group, ask each group what their favourite food it, or how many siblings they have.