Teaching Kindergarten takes P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E

Why don’t they just make shoes that can go on either foot? That would save a lot of time in kindergarten! Everything takes longer than I think it will in kindergarten. 20 minutes at least, to get ready to go outside in the winter. Outdoor play is always planned so that it happens when the children are already outside! First thing in the morning or first thing after lunch or last thing before the end of the day. The only problem is when they have to go to the bathroom … which at least one student always does! So here are some tips to help your patience when teaching kindergarten.

  1. Plan twice the time and half the activities. Kind of like travelling where you take twice the money and half the clothes!
  2. Practice putting on winter clothes when there’s no time limit. Practice the order. Practice doing up zippers and putting on mitts. Practice going to the bathroom first!!
  3. Pray for spring!


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