Business Cards for Substitute Teachers

What information should you include on your business card as a Substitute Teacher? Of course, you will have a business card; this is not ridiculous – this is 2022! Teachers, principals and office administrators all keep the business cards of their favourite substitute teachers and pull them out and text them when they need a sub! Your business cards should include the pertinent information and be easy to read (i.e., a simple design that is not too busy).

  1. Your name.
  2. Your contact information – phone number and email address (and website if you have one for teaching).
  3. Your specialties e.g., French, Music, Pig-Latin (ok, not that one).

Give your business card to anyone who asks for one or asks for your information and leave one on the desk of the teacher you covered for the day. Don’t give your business card to anyone who doesn’t ask – it will just end up in the recycling, along with the ads for the field trip to the toilet bowl factory.


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