A Ghost Story For Students (that won’t cause nightmares)

There was a couple who had a baby and so moved from their apartment into a house. They wanted to celebrate when they finished moving by going out for dinner. They hired a babysitter – a high school girl who lived down the street – to look after the baby for the evening. All she had to do was listen to the baby monitor as the baby was already asleep.

The babysitter was downstairs watching TV and the baby was upstairs, asleep. The babysitter thought she heard the baby moving. This baby hadn’t yet learned to turn over and so the babysitter got her phone and took it upstairs in case the baby had learned to turn over, she could take a video for the parents. But the baby wasn’t moving, so she went back downstairs.

A bit later, she thought she heard the baby moving again, so this time she ran up the stairs to get the video before the baby stopped moving. But the baby wasn’t moving, so she went back downstairs.

A little while later, she thought she heard rustling or whispering in the room. She was starting to get freaked out, so she tip toed up the stairs and peaked into the baby’s room. The baby wasn’t moving. She checked to see if the window was open and moving the curtains or something but it wasn’t. So she went back downstairs and turned the tv down and turned the baby monitor up.

A few minutes later, a man’s voice came over the baby monitor whispering, “Come upstairs, the baby’s sleeping”. She freaked out because the baby was in danger. She ran upstairs but nobody was in the room. She picked up the baby, ran downstairs and out the door to her parent’s house and called 911.

The police came and checked the house but nobody was there. The doors and windows were all closed. They asked the babysitter if maybe she had dreamed it and she said she hadn’t. They didn’t believe her. They thought she dreamed it and that’s what they told the parents when they got home.

The next day the husband was at work and the wife was in the kitchen washing bottles. The baby was upstairs for an afternoon nap. Over the baby monitor came the same man’s voice whispering, “Come upstairs the baby’s sleeping”. The wife freaked out because now she knew that some strange man was in her baby’s room last night and he was there today. She ran upstairs to make sure her baby was safe but nobody was in the room. She got the baby, ran downstairs, drove to her parent’s house and called 911.

The police came and now they knew the babysitter wasn’t sleeping so they checked the whole house thoroughly. They checked the basement, attic, shed and they checked for false floors or secret passageways – there was nothing. The wife told her husband that they weren’t living in a haunted house and they stayed at her parents that night.

The next day, she sent her husband back to the haunted house to get diapers and bottles etc. that they needed for the baby. The husband was in the kitchen getting some bottles but nobody had turned off the baby monitor. Over the monitor came the man’s voice whispering, “Come upstairs, the baby’s sleeping”. So, he got his baseball bat and went upstairs.

Nobody was in the baby’s room. He checked the whole house – under beds, in the laundry hamper, in the dryer, behind the shower curtain. There was nobody in the house. He went back into the baby’s room. He had one end of the baby monitor and the other end was on the shelf. There was nobody in the room but him and over the baby monitor came the same man whispering, “Come upstairs the baby’s sleeping”. But this time he thought he recognized the voice.

He went next door and knocked on the door. His neighbor, Jerry, answered. He asked, “Jerry, do you guys have this kind of baby monitor?” And he showed him the monitor. Jerry said, “Yes, we do.” Then he asked, “Were you just whispering to your wife to come upstairs because the baby was sleeping?” “Yes!” said Jerry. See they were picking up their next door neighbours talking to each other over their baby monitor as it was the same kind they had and they were using the same frequency.


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