What Your Body Language is Saying to Students

The Teacher Stare – when you simply look at a child and they stop doing what they are doing, you know you have reached the pinnacle of body language. Congratulations! But are you aware of what your body language is saying at other times?

Facial Expression – One time I decided I was going to smile most of the day. It was hard! I had to use “fake it until you make it” quite a bit. Actually, when I did a cheesy smile, the students would laugh and we would all feel better. Try smiling more.

Body – When students want us to pay attention, we are only partly listening and partly have our body turned away from them, making sure nobody is throwing eraser bits at another student. When students wish we weren’t paying attention, we seem to be towering over them. If we face our students when they speak, it shows interest and when we keep speak to them at eye level when they have done something wrong, it prevents students from feeling intimidated (we want them to actually be remorseful, not to be scared into remorse).

Arms – When we are cold because the heat hasn’t been turned on yet in November, and cross our arms, it indicates to the students that we are closed off or that they are in trouble. Better to wear our warmest sweaters and long underwear.


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