Interview Tips for LTOs e.g. Maternity Leaves

There are abounding articulate articles authored about how to avail in a job interview. I wish my next sentence could all start with “b”s – but that brilliance bypasses me. This article is specifically written for Substitute Teachers interviewing for jobs covering another teacher’s short or long term leave.

1.  Don’t talk too much – 5 minutes per answer is more than enough.

2. Don’t talk too little – take the time to answer each part of the question.

3. Be prepared – the will definitely ask questions about your classroom management style, your reading and math programs and how you include all students with varying abilities in your classroom. Have answers for these sorts of questions ready. Practice on your teddy bears/cats/spouse.

4. Tell stories – include stories about how you taught the reading curriculum to an autistic child who would read anything about fire trucks or how you use humour to encourage grade 7 students to go out for recess on a snowy day by telling them that the last student in the class will receive a free Justin Bieber CD (which no self-respecting grade 7 student wants).

5. Be yourself and give yourself time to improve – It’s no good trying to be an enthusiastic, energetic teacher if you are laid back. This school may need a laid back teacher for this job. And, practice makes perfect. The more interviews you do, the better you will get at it. Of course, hopefully you get the first job you interview for!!


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